Things You Need To Know Before The Surgery By Dr. Jon Kiev

When you’re planning a surgery, there are a lot of things to think about. You want to make sure you get the best surgeon, find out how long the recovery process will take, and make sure you’re prepared for what your scar will look like. But there’s another important thing that needs to be considered: knowing what to expect after the operation is finished.
What Is The Procedure?
The procedure is usually performed under general anesthesia. The surgeon makes an incision in the skin over your jaw bone and removes the tumor with small chisels, drills and/or high-speed tools. If there are any cancer cells remaining after surgery, they may be removed using radiation therapy or chemotherapy.
You Need To Know What To Expect Before You Get Surgery
Before you get surgery, it’s important to know what to expect. Here are some tips:
- Know the risks and benefits of surgery. When deciding whether or not to have surgery, it’s important to consider all of your options carefully, says Dr. Jon Kiev. Talk with your doctor about what kinds of complications could happen during or after the procedure–and ask how likely those complications might be for you specifically. If there’s any doubt in your mind about whether or not this is right for you, don’t hesitate–your health is worth more than any amount of money!
How Big Will My Scar Be?
- The size of your scar depends on the type of surgery and the surgeon.
- Some scars are small, hidden and can be covered with clothing or makeup.
- Other scars are large and visible, but they can also be covered up with clothing or makeup.
- Still other scars will not be able to hide with anything at all; these are called “un-coverable” because there’s no way to cover them up without making you look ridiculous or unprofessional in public settings (think long sleeves when it is 90 degrees out).
Will My Job Be Affected After The Surgery?
If you work in an office, ask your employer if they will be able to accommodate your recovery. If not, consider finding a new job that is more flexible with sick days and time off.
If you plan on returning to work after the surgery, make sure to discuss how long it will take for you to recover and if there are any physical limitations that need to be taken into consideration before coming back, according to Dr. Jon Kiev. You should also inquire about whether or not a scar will affect your ability at work (for example: if it’s visible). In addition, talk about how your duties will change due to physical changes caused by the procedure (if any).
What Can I Expect After Surgery?
You will be in the hospital for a few days, depending on the type of surgery you had. You will need to take care of yourself at home and follow some basic rules:
- Take pain medications as prescribed by your doctor. Pain after surgery is normal and expected, but it should not be severe enough to prevent you from following the diet and taking medications that are important for healing.
- Follow a diet that includes foods high in protein and low in fat (such as chicken) until all drains have been removed or at least 2 weeks after surgery–whichever comes first–to help prevent infection around surgical sites or incisions.