How to Recognize Quality CBD Weed

Buying good, quality CBD weed is certainly not a factor to be underestimated: in fact, it is the quality of cannabis that guarantees a recreational experience related to its intake, which is pleasant and satisfying. However, especially for those who take marijuana occasionally or are still “layman” to the plant matter, recognizing the characteristics simply at a glance may not be so immediate and intuitive.
Evaluating good quality CBD weed by limiting itself to the visual aspect alone could in fact be misleading: precisely for this reason it is necessary to smoke it, vaporize it or take it through tasty recipes with marijuana in order to be able to draw the necessary conclusions based also and above all on factors such as aromatic perception and obviously the related effects given by the concentration of THC and further cannabinoids, peculiarities among the main ones that can concretely define quality.
We have produced a guide aimed at gathering expert advice on how to recognize quality CBD Weed : from those who produce it and those who consume it.
In this way it will be easier to identify each aspect, evaluating it in a truly objective way, avoiding the risk of investing money on plant matter destined to turn out to be very unsatisfactory.
The grass is always greener on the other side : Recognizing quality CBD Weed
There are many factors that must be considered in order to recognize good and remarkable quality CBD weed: among the main ones undoubtedly appear the smell and aroma as well as the appearance and structure of the inflorescence, up to the sensations and effects perceived as a result of the intake. It is mainly the amount of trichomes present on the inflorescence and often visible to the naked eye, which is the main indicator able to quantify the real “potency” of cannabis, not only under the euphemizing aspect but also in terms of therapeutic and medical properties.
Shades ranging from dull brown to somewhat faded lime green are generally synonymous with low quality plant matter. Nature often provides countless visual clues as to the state of ripeness and storage of the herb.
Having then determined the quality, it goes without saying that personal preference related to the variety of marijuana will obviously make the difference. However, it should be emphasized that an excellent multisensory experience appears obviously conditioned by the quality of the plant matter itself, from which marked aromas, intense flavors and powerful effects can be derived and easily perceived by the neophyte as well as the regular user. Here, then, are below, all the indicators that can help to identify the so-called “top shelf” inflorescences, i.e., of excellent quality, distinguishing them from the “schwag” buds, of poor quality and definitely less satisfying.
Odor and aroma
The smell, as well as the aroma emanating from CBD Weed , if grown according to all the necessary criteria to ensure objective quality, should be pungent and easily identifiable by the characteristic “skunky” scent that generally varies from sweetish to earthy to even resembling diesel given the massive presence of terpenes. If, on the other hand, the buds are not particularly aromatic or the smell even vaguely resembles hay, this almost certainly implies poorly grown or otherwise poorly stored marijuana. Through the aroma, it is also possible to identify the variety of cannabis examined fairly easily: if it holds intense scents reminiscent of chocolate or coffee, it is cannabis indica. Conversely, if the scents are reminiscent of citrus and have some degree of acidity, one is in the presence of cannabis sativa. Hybrid strains generally tend to present a true aromatic mix taken on by both genetic profiles.
What to avoid
Inflorescences that smell like hay or have no discernible odor to the nose should be avoided. Aromatic intensity is closely related to the potency of the herb and its terpene content: if it appears low, the marijuana consequently will not be characterized by the high quality required.
CBD Weed and Color
To understand the real quality of CBD Weed , the characteristic color of the inflorescences should also be evaluated: if really good, the herb should appear green in color, regardless of shade and declination but never presenting tones of brown. In fact, this hue can vary from the lightest and coolest green to dark and deep green, accompanied by shades that generally range from purple to pinkish and golden. Understanding whether the top is from a healthy plant is also relatively simple: if the shades appear purple, pink or bluish, that factor guarantees its quality. If, on the contrary, rust red, light brown or yellow predominate, the plant may have been impaired by pests or mold, or not grown properly. If, then, the inflorescences appear slightly bleached, regardless of the presence of trichomes, they may have fallen victim to mild scorching, an unfavorable growth condition that occurs if the plant is subjected to very high intensity light. The quality of such plant matter will consequently be poor similarly to the experience of intake by inhalation or vaporization.
What to avoid
Therefore, buds that exhibit a brown, rust, yellow, red or whitish color are to be avoided. Quality cannabis is generally green in color and has a wide range of shades that ensure a fully satisfactory intake experience.
Bud Structure
As a general rule, cannabis indica inflorescences should appear tight and dense, while cannabis sativa buds are lighter and fluffier.
However, if plants are carelessly grown, indica inflorescences can take on an appearance quite similar to the sativa species, appearing open, corrupted, and with the small stems that generally hold them together and compact, visible. Hybrid strains tend to take on both characteristics.
One needs to be aware here that, sativa strain inflorescences are generally covered with orange/red pistils, thus differing from the indica variety. For reference, sativa cannabis buds are generally covered with more pistils (small orange/red hairs) than legal indica marijuana buds, spread evenly over the entire inflorescence with no thinning spaces or none at all.
What to avoid
It is important to avoid using buds with visible, open stems and too little density. Sativa inflorescences are compact and dense while, in sativa varieties they are softer and richer in pistils.
Trimming CBD Weed
After harvesting, legal cannabis inflorescences must be thoroughly cleaned in order to remove the leaves surrounding them: if of quality it would be advisable to remove excess plant matter always manually, without making use of machines or mechanical tools, this is because cutting tools tend to undermine the integrity by corrupting the trichomes present. Thus, mechanically cleaned inflorescences should be avoided as well as those still having foliage, both of which are indicators of hasty, coarse and inaccurate cultivation practices.
What to avoid
Important to avoid inflorescences that have not been thoroughly cleaned or visibly altered by the use of mechanical cutting machinery: quality cannabis is generally cleaned by hand in a way that preserves trichomes and complete integrity.
Quantity of trichomes
The goal of properly cultivated cannabis is to produce inflorescences rich in mature trichomes, the small crystals visible on their relative surfaces; this is because they represent the repositories of cannabinoids and terpenes. Trichome density is relatively easy to distinguish with the naked eye: quality inflorescences will be completely covered with them while, if of poor quality, they will consist of small, empty or otherwise rather thinned surfaces. In contrast, the point of maturity of the trichome appears difficult to assess without the aid of a magnifying glass capable of showing its color and size.
What generally determines the poor quality of the herb is the premature or hasty harvesting of the inflorescences or, on the contrary, the over-ripening of the inflorescences, especially in the case of sativa hemp, which has rather long flowering periods. Here the characteristic color of the glandular trichome head is the most effective indicator for determining maturity: ideally it should appear milky white, slightly amber. If it appears lighter, it attests that the inflorescences have been harvested too far in advance of ripening, while if too amber, the same has, on the contrary, lasted too long, in both cases impairing the quality of the plant material obtained.
What to avoid
It is necessary to avoid inflorescences that do not appear “icy,” that is, studded with trichomes quite similar to a light winter frost: in this case they will not be sufficiently mature and therefore poor in cannabinoids.
Presence of hermaphroditic traits in CBD Weed
Quality CBD weed is derived from female cannabis plants; this is because male cannabis plants only generate marijuana seeds, making them unsuitable for consumption. If the plant is subjected to sources of stress or is not cultivated properly or for excessively prolonged periods of time, it may exhibit hermaphroditic traits-an undesirable characteristic since it gives rise to inflorescences of very low quality.
Such stress causes the plant to self-pollinate in an attempt to reproduce at the very moment it perceives its own death as imminent, thus generating hermaphroditic traits. The resulting inflorescences represent a true hybrid: they may appear rich in trichomes, present the characteristic aromas but also constitute seeds exactly as is the case in male genetics. It goes without saying that they cannot be smoked as they are particularly unpleasant.
What to avoid
Inflorescences that see the presence of seeds should be avoided: quality cannabis is produced solely from female genetics. Male characteristics, on the contrary, indicate that the plant has been grown under stress and the quality of the buds will be substantially inferior.
Presence of pests and molds
It is easy to understand that quality cannabis has inflorescences that are completely free of mold and parasites, a drawback that can occur if the marijuana being examined is of dubious origin. Mold tends to manifest itself by means of a kind of gray and whitish powder depending on the fungal pest. Insects such as whiteflies, mites, aphids and midges, on the other hand, may release fecal matter on the inflorescences, obviously impairing quality. It goes without saying that the plant matter in both cases cannot be taken up in any way.
What to avoid
Necessary again is to avoid inflorescences that have been corrupted by mold or have residual fecal matter deposited there by mites and pests.
Both the neophyte and the regular cannabis user must be aware that healthy plants grown in a consonant manner are the only ones that can offer good and very high quality CBD weed, this because they have a greater chance of giving birth to inflorescences that are particularly rich in cannabinoids and therefore more satisfying and satisfying during use.
It is important to always pay extreme attention during the purchase, preferring safe and reliable sources that are able to dispose of plant material obtained from cultivations dutifully cared for according to all the required protocols and preferably certified. Therefore, it is better never to skimp on the price of the herb, assessing that all the characteristics listed above are present, important indicators that can help to recognize a quality product, the same one that is able to ensure an absolutely “amazing” intake experience.