How To Help Someone In Recovery from alcohol intervention

Helping someone who has a drinking problem is one of the most difficult challenges of your life. If you aren’t sure how to go about it, that’s perfectly normal. The first step is figuring out whether you even want to help someone, or if they might be beyond your reach. You need to know what kind of support you can expect from others and how much time and energy it’s going to take. There are lots of things to consider before getting started with an alcohol intervention and the process won’t be simple for anyone involved.
However, with patience, understanding, and willingness to change, it can become an effective tool for recovery and sobriety. Here we look at everything you need to know about helping someone in recovery as well as tips on how to do so effectively without making things worse or causing them more stress than they already have.
What Does Helping Someone In Recovery Mean?
It’s helpful to understand what people who are in recovery from alcohol or drug use are looking for from their loved ones. While there are a variety of ways to get this done, a common thread is that you need to be patient and kind. This can feel difficult, especially when you want to help someone who is in need. But these qualities are essential to helping someone who is in recovery. You may know someone who has a drinking problem, someone who has been through treatment, or someone who is in the early stages of recovery.
If so, you’ve likely seen the signs: drinking more than they want to, drinking every day, blackouts, getting sick when they haven’t been, and other warning signs. Many people who struggle with an alcohol use disorder don’t realize they have one until they get help. If you try to help someone who has a drinking problem from the get-go, you’ll be faced with the same issues that the person in recovery is.
Why Help Someone Who Has An Addiction?
One of the biggest challenges for loved ones of people who have an addiction is knowing when to offer help and when to back off. It can be tempting to jump in and give advice, but many people hitting rock bottom don’t want it. They just want to be heard and supported. If you do offer support, make sure it’s genuine and comes from a place of love. You don’t want to come off as trying to solve their problems or make yourself feel better by doing so. This is not the purpose of your help. You’re simply trying to offer compassion and support. When you choose to help someone in recovery, you’re opening yourself up to some potential difficulties.
While most people will be grateful for the help, it can be an awkward and uncomfortable situation for everyone involved. You may be nervous about how your loved one will receive your help, or you may not be comfortable with the situation yourself. If you’re hesitant to help someone because of the awkwardness it can cause all around, don’t force yourself into it. There are plenty of ways to help someone who is in recovery and support their recovery process. You can be a good friend and offer moral support, listen to their troubles, and offer a shoulder to cry on when needed.