Credit Bureau Errors? Here’s What To Do By Nathan Deladurantey

Credit bureau errors can cause serious problems for your credit score. Here’s what you need to know about how to handle them in a way that will help protect your credit and financial health.
What Is A Credit Bureau?
A credit bureau is a company that collects and stores information about your credit history.. They’re regulated by the federal government and have different functions:
- Some only collect data from financial institutions to create credit reports; others also collect data from companies like utility providers or cell phone companies (this is called “supplemental reporting”).
- Some offer victims of identity theft free access to their files; others charge fees for this service or only give it to people who’ve been denied loans because of what’s in those files (which could be anything from unpaid bills to fraudulent debts).
How To Dispute Errors With The Credit Bureaus
Disputing errors with the credit bureaus is a multi-step process that can be frustrating and time consuming, but it’s worth the effort to make sure that your information is accurate. There are several different ways to dispute errors with each bureau–you just have to find the right one for you! Here are some tips:
- Contact the creditor directly if they have made an error in reporting payment history or other information about your account. This may require sending written notice of dispute through certified mail (return receipt requested). If this doesn’t work after 30 days, contact them again and ask for confirmation that they received your first letter; if not sent again within 60 days from original notice date then consider filing suit against them.
How To Dispute Errors In Person
If you are a US resident, you can dispute errors in person at your local credit bureau. The process is fairly simple and involves only a few steps:
- Request an in-person appointment with a representative at the agency’s office, saysNathan Deladurantey. You can do this by phone or email (with an attached copy of your report).
- Bring along proof of identity (such as your driver’s license), any documents related to the error(s) on your report, and copies of any documents that support those claims (such as receipts).
- During this meeting, explain why you think there was an error made on their part–if it was due to fraud or identity theft–and provide them with any evidence supporting this claim. If possible, have someone else go with you so they can vouch for what happened during their conversation with the employee handling their case!
How To Dispute Errors By Mail
To dispute a credit bureau error by mail, you’ll need to send a letter to the bureau. The following information should be included:
- Your name, address, and phone number. You can also include your email address if you want them to respond electronically.
- The account number of the error that you are disputing, as well as its type (e.g., “loan” or “credit card”). If there are multiple accounts with errors on them, list all of them here; this will help ensure that your dispute is handled correctly by both parties involved in resolving any disputes related to these accounts–and it could save some time too, according to Nathan Deladurantey!
- A copy of any documents that support your claim (e.g., letters from creditors stating that no late payments were made). Be sure not send originals–only copies will do!