Advantages of Ethical Manufacturing Certification

If you are in the market for some new apparel, you might want to consider looking into ethical manufacturing certification. There are several benefits to ethical manufacturing certification and you may even find that your next purchase will be more ethical. Here’s a breakdown of the benefits of ethical certification and the various sources of information. To find out which certification you should look for, continue reading. In addition to consumer-facing labels, there are other ways to look for a trustworthy source.
Better Work is a global initiative that encourages factories to meet ILO core labour standards. It also empowers national stakeholders to play a greater role in the labor market. Better Work started in Cambodia and now has offices in ten different countries, including the United States, Nicaragua, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Switzerland, Jordan, and Bangladesh. This program helps to boost the competitiveness of apparel by ensuring that it is made in ethical conditions.
To earn the ETHICS certification, a factory must meet specific standards. The process may take several years, but the end result is a manufacturer that will meet your standards. It is worth the wait and the small investment if you are looking for ethically manufactured apparel. And you’ll know that the company will provide quality products you can trust. However, ethical certification is not for every manufacturer. You’ll want to find one that meets the highest standards.
While fair trade can be a good way to support ethical clothing and fashion, it’s not always feasible for every company to follow these standards. Even if you find a factory that meets the WRAP standards, you can always ask if it is certified by other agencies. Fair trade certification is a valuable indicator of ethical manufacturing and is highly respected in the conscious consumer community. In fact, ethical apparel manufacturers should take the time to research the certifications of their factories.
In addition to social and environmental standards, B Corporations can be certified by B Lab. This accreditation body helps businesses move toward organic farming practices. And in addition to certification, ECA works with local textile companies to help protect the rights of garment workers in Australia. This organization performs audits of their manufacturing operations to ensure that the workers are paid fairly and receive all of their legal entitlements. Lastly, they also have a unified brand.
GOTS is another great option for consumers. This certification is often found on clothing and bedding labels. It also takes into account the chemicals used, the type of fiber, wastewater treatment, packaging, and social conditions of the workers. GOTS has strict standards and is recognized by more than four thousand factories around the world. Its certification process is rigorous, but you should know which standards to look for. This way, you’ll be assured that you’re buying ethically-made clothing that won’t harm the environment.
The Better Cotton Initiative’s label, for example, is a symbol for mindfully grown cotton. The BCI label means that a brand has done its part to reduce the impact of their operations on the environment. This organization exports cotton and provides sustainable solutions for manufacturing. As a result, consumers can feel confident that their purchase is responsible. There are many benefits to ethical manufacturing certification, and it may be just the one you’ve been looking for.